It has come to my attention that their is a video of Pepsolman beating me in FS. It is a fake. IE this dumbass customized El Blaze to look like mine, went into vs mode with his little brother, beat the fake EL Blaze and saved the match and uploaded it to Youtube.
Now let me run a timeline for you.
1) Late March 2013. I kicked the shit out of Anonymous scrub Pepsolman (easily) and recorded the LOL match with my iPhone and uploaded it.
2) Early April 2013. I get a message from Youtube saying I have an invasion of Privacy Claim from one said nobody : Pepsolman. Apparently me uploaded A win screen with his Gamer Tag in the loser column is an invasion of Privacy. Not only do I send him a Youtube message telling him to FUCK OFF, but I re-record the video just in case Youtube decides to take it down.
3) April 22 Sega Cup. Post Sega cup I'm checking my emails in Long Beach Airport. I get an e-mail saying someone has been trying to hack into their servers to get my Youtube password and login. I change my password. #1 person of interest in this Cyber Crime is this little Queer Pepsolman.
4) Late April/Early May 2013. Pepsolman joins VFDC , and post some video of him beating me in FS. By this point I don't even remember losing a match to this Asshole. It's so long ago I couldn't remember clearly. I found it suspicious he didn't have a win Screen with my Gamertag posted. I LOLed at the Windows-Voice app he was using. It was so fucked up an annoying I couldn't watch past halfway through the first round.
5) Sept 2014: My Spies brought to my attention that Katabama-Hindu-Boy or whatever his name is was posting that BS Pepsolman vid in the shoutbox. Now, I looked at this crap video. THAT SHIT IS A FAKE. One that shit doesn't have my Gamertag anywhere . Two, that EL Blaze doesn't play like me at ALL. It looks like somebody who never played El Blaze in their life.
That brings to where we are here. That shit is a total Fake, a desperate, pathetic attempt to save face, after making false claims to Youtube and trying to hack youtube itself have failed. That is fucking pitiful. Really its apt, because if this dude is using Windows-Voice to speak, he must be mentally handicapped. The first time I saw that crap, I felt sorry for the dude, so I really didn't go hard trolling him after that. I draw the line somewhere and picking on a mental cripple is it. I equate that to pushing an old lady down a flight of stairs.
As for the video, I actually watched that garbage (with the sound off That Robo-Voice is too annoying). That's DEFINITELY not me. One he doesn't use ANY of the El Blaze moves I favor using. You dont see me using the rocket discharge, the low drop kick, the Venus Roll Upper-cut/Kick combo. Nothing. If that was actually me , you would see me using Back crouch dash to buffer into Shadow Hammer. I basically play EL Blaze the same way I did in Vanilla. A staple of my Vanilla set ups is to suppress opponents with repeated 14 frame elbows to set them up for a throw. Ignoring all that, that EL Blaze DOESN'T BLOCK ONCE IN THE ENTIRE VIDEO. I suspected that shit was a fake in the first place, actually watching it confirmed it. Whatever, the dude has Cerebral Palsy or some shit, so I'll just leave him alone.
Right before Sega Cup Raziel and I took turns kicking his ass in Room Matches. That is me with my name clearly posted He stole 1 and only 1 match against me while I was using my day-1 Lion. Even then, it went to 5 rounds, and in the third round I could have easily finished him: He rushed in with a lunging Kick, which I evaded. He's at -13, I could have easily launched his n00b ass. Not being adept with Lion I slipped up and did 1pp, in a failed input I was going for 41236P to combo. I could have launched him. Watching that shit you see the mistake, I was playing him like he's a real player. You have to play a scrub like he's a scrub. In Round 4 he won the round doing some 2p spam. Garbage. I should have just elbowed that n00b into OBLIVION. Just n00bify his n00b ass. Being just my Day-1 Lion, I was using minimal damage combos instead of max damage combos otherwise I could have shut him down 3-0 rounds. Mastering FS Lion is on my Bucket list.
N00bify is what I do when besting the shit out of a scrub with tactics and moves a real player would easily counter or avoid. He sucks . The dude is beneath contempt. When I switched to Vanessa he got FUCKING DESTROYED REPEATEDLY and left the room in frustration.
Here's the link to the room match massacre:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Shenmue 3 will be at E3 2014!!!!!
Neogaf leaked 2 days ago that SEGA has trademarked Shenmue 3 for consoles. This comes on the heels of Sega putting Ryo Hazuki in two sequels of Sonic All Stars racing (with "Shenmue 3" on his license plate). The Japanese PS4 debut commercial, showing a user interface with "RYO H" as the username. Finally, Mark Cerny did the translator work for Yu Suzuki at Suzuki San's Shenmue Post Mortem at Games Developer conference.
I don't have confirmation yet, but the writing is on the wall Shenmue 3 is going to be a Sony PS4 exclusive, with Sony bank-rolling the project. Similar to how Microsoft paid for Dead Rising 3 to be exclusive, and Bankrolled TitanFall, so they could get that as an exclusive. You can take Titanfall and shove it up you ASS, X-bots, we are getting SHENMUE 3!!!
"Bring it, Bitch!!"
Proof this isn't bullshit.
Neogaf leaked 2 days ago that SEGA has trademarked Shenmue 3 for consoles. This comes on the heels of Sega putting Ryo Hazuki in two sequels of Sonic All Stars racing (with "Shenmue 3" on his license plate). The Japanese PS4 debut commercial, showing a user interface with "RYO H" as the username. Finally, Mark Cerny did the translator work for Yu Suzuki at Suzuki San's Shenmue Post Mortem at Games Developer conference.
I don't have confirmation yet, but the writing is on the wall Shenmue 3 is going to be a Sony PS4 exclusive, with Sony bank-rolling the project. Similar to how Microsoft paid for Dead Rising 3 to be exclusive, and Bankrolled TitanFall, so they could get that as an exclusive. You can take Titanfall and shove it up you ASS, X-bots, we are getting SHENMUE 3!!!

Previously, it was leaked that the Last Guardian was coming to PS4, and will be announced at E3 with another secret Sony Studio Japan game. Now I know Marc Cerny has a large prominent role in Sony studio Japan, so I was hoping and crossing my figures that the unannounced Studio Japan game was Shenmue 3. Now, it is extremely likely that is the case. With Yu Suzuki at the helm of the Shenmue project, studio Japan would do all the heavy lifting. The Old Shenmue team has split to the four winds by now, that the remainder of AM2 is probably neck deep in Virtua Fighter 6 right now.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Shenmue 3 teased in Japanese PS4 ad?
See the article in
Looks like I made a good choice getting a PS4. (see Dualshockers for the full story)
In other news on Dual Shockers, David Jaffe (God of War creator) is working on a new PS4 game, Naughty Dog says there's a "Fifty Percent" chance we'll see The Last of Us 2 on PS4, and they are impressed with its memory capabilities. Characters of The Order 1886 are made up of over 100,000 polygons. Yakuza Ishin has released, and is the top selling PS4 game. Capcom is promising a Deep Down beta coming very soon.
In other news, it's been leaked that Sony is working on Gran Turismo 7 Prologue as we speak. As many predicted, The Last Guardian is making the jump to PS4. Now will hat be impetus for them to finish the damn game or is it a new excuse for them to delay it another 3 years?
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Godokunodan Challenges Flash to a First to Ten at SEGA CUP 2014!!
For those of you who don't know, SEGA CUP is Sega's annual Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown tournament. $16,000 in prizes will be given away. The Tournament is Saturday, April 26 2014 at Super Arcade in Walnut California. Alex Vale of Famed Level Up , will be hosting the event. I go by the gamer handle Godokunodan" (Five Deadly Venoms) and basically terrorize the VFDC gamer population by beating their toons in humilating fashion, record the fight and post it on Youtube. Hilarity Ensues. I Met Chief Flash, the 2008 World Cyber Games VF champ at EVO 2012. He came up to me and said " I gotta tell you brother, I gotta shake your hand! The Videos you do are hilarious. " I was honored. It made me laugh because I was vindicated. Not everybody wants to be overly polite to each other on VFDC! Flash was a like minded person!. He wouldn't say it on VFDC, because then they would condemn him like they do me. A few months later, Flash formed One Frame Kill blog with the original VF Troll, SHang. They took my tactic of filming one beatdown of an opponent and squared it: They decided to compete with each other to beat the hapless player 10 times. And thus the "Rape Room " was born. "Rape " in this instance is in the video game tense: really badly OWNING someone. Which brings us to present day. Flash has transformed into a heel, just like me, and now there are more copy cats coming out of the woodwork and going to the dark side every day. Jacko, T-Spam, even SDS Overfiend has made a few comments about wanting to become a VF villain . Its great!! I have inspired chaos!!! Anyway, Shang and crew have currently targeted a member of my NYC_VF crew: Tricky. This will not stand. Tricky is more than capable of defending himself, but if you attack one of NYC VF, you attack us ALL!! I will take on Chief Flash in a F T 10 match at Sega Cup, since Shang is too pussy to show to Sega Cup, I'll take it out on Flash!!! Nothing Personal , brother!!!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Will Shenmue 3 debut at GDC?
When people saw the photo of Mark Cerrny and Yu Suzuki last year, a lot of rumors started going around that they might collaborate on Shenmue 3 for PS4. I didn't want to get my hopes up. Recently it has been announced that Yu Suzuki will be doing a post mortem speech on Shenmue at Game Developers Conference in March 2014. Mark Cerny will be translating Suzuki san's speech at the event. Now I would like to speculate that there might be a Shenmue announcement there, but after years of delays and missed opportuinities to see Shenume return, I was keeping my expectations cautiously low. recently even has predicted that GDC 2014 will actually feature a Yu Suzuki announcement of Shenmue 3 for next gen consoles. Shenmue was originally dubbed the "Virtua Fighter Rpg". I always loved that game and the sequel. The game was ahead of its time. It was like the precursor to open world games. If Suzuki just took the game one step further and let you beat up and accost pedestrians, he could have stolen GTA's thunder. The game genre was dubbed F.R.E.E. If they gave players total freedom, like GTA, it could have been as big a commercial hit as it was a cult classic.
The good part of the Shenmue legacy, open world adventure games , lives on. Unfortunately the bad part of Shenmue's legacy, QTE's, also lives on. Quick Timer Events are one of the worst things to happen to gaming. The QTE's in Shenmue 1 and 2 were actually really good. I never found myself hating them. I guess it's because they were cinematically well done in Shenmue, that they blended better with the overall game. I guess you could call it a good idea gone bad. They way other companies have implemented QTE's in recent years have been so badly done that they have soured me on those things altogether.
I think the Walking Dead games from Tell Tale Games have been the best implementaion of QTE's I've seen since Shenmue. I'd be grateful if they ever finish Shenmue 3, QTE's and all.
The good part of the Shenmue legacy, open world adventure games , lives on. Unfortunately the bad part of Shenmue's legacy, QTE's, also lives on. Quick Timer Events are one of the worst things to happen to gaming. The QTE's in Shenmue 1 and 2 were actually really good. I never found myself hating them. I guess it's because they were cinematically well done in Shenmue, that they blended better with the overall game. I guess you could call it a good idea gone bad. They way other companies have implemented QTE's in recent years have been so badly done that they have soured me on those things altogether.
I think the Walking Dead games from Tell Tale Games have been the best implementaion of QTE's I've seen since Shenmue. I'd be grateful if they ever finish Shenmue 3, QTE's and all.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Sega Cup 2014 ! Who's Up?
People will say what they will about Sega. Claims that they don't care about fans, or they won't make an announcement for VF6 on VF's 20th anniversary. To be fair, when has ANY company made an announcement for a sequel to a franchise exactly on it's 20th anniversary? Never. When Sega comes through they come through big. EVO 2012, Sega Cup 2013, and when people counted Sega out, they announced Sega Cup 2014. Quarter Up.
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