UPDATE!!! I got a Rise of Iron Gjallarhorn and it is sick as FUCK!!! The mission to get it is TIGHT?
So the fact that we had to pay $30 to get Gjallarhorn back is mitigated by the facty that it is included in some sick content. I have played almost all the quest and done 3/4 of the Raid. I have a final Boss checkpoint and all weeekend to finish it. Looking good to get the raid done in month one.
UPDATE!!!!: Bungie is giving us the Gjallarhorn back at FULL POWER!!!!! YES!!! For..................THIRTY U.S. DOLLARS!!! So Basically Bungie is extorting us $30 to upgrade a weapon we ALREADY HAVE!!! RISE of IRON Expansion is $30. Ok we get a new Raid, but damn infusing the G-horn should be free.. FUCK BUNGIE.
New Axe weapon is a relic like Crota's Sword. |
Ballerhorns for everybody!!! As long as you're sucker enough to pay up!!!! |
Yeah it's back, after they rob you for $30. |
UPDATE: I called it!! In a turn of events that's not shocking to me at all, Bungie has announced that Gjallarhorn can
NOT be Upgraded or Ascended to the max damage value of The Taken King. This
CONFIRMS that they are rendering Gjallarhorn virtually
USELESS and obsolete in the Taken King Expansion and all subsequent expansions. Kind of convenient that they waited to announce this after they have your preorder dollars, huh? Well, Bungie can eat Shit. I'm getting "The Taken King " expansion
used on disc , so Bungie gets
NONE of my money. I'm skipping the subsequent Vex and Cabal expansions , because lets face it, they are just glorified theme parks we reused assets that offer very little story. They may have some light backstory for one isolated incident the DLC covers but that's it. No info on "The Stranger" , no new progress towards recovery or insight on the Traveller.
Who is this chick? What doesn't she have time to explain? Wait five years to find out
It has dawned on me that Bungie has
NO INTENTION of adding Ship to ship combat for this game anytime soon. They are just going to keep rationing out meager content at overpriced rates. Bungie has a 10 year plan for Destiny. That means I might as well quit playing for
FIVE YEARS and come back when this game is half way worthwhile and better fleshed out.
"Story" in a game is supposed to inform
and entertain, the Grimoires only do the former,
thus making them a failure. |
Want the Traveller to wake up and play an active role in the story? Don't hold your breath. |
Don't Fuck With Our Gjallarhorn |
Lets see, on top of Luke Smith being an arrogant prick In the Eurogamer interview about putting Exclusive DlC behind a paywall, on Top of Bungie forcing people to buy $5 cans of Redbull to get DLC, These ASSHOLES at Bungie have the FUCKING NERVE to nerf Gjallarhorn in the Taken King.
Behold ,Excalibur. |
There are millions of detractors of Destiny. "There's no story, its repetitive. Its Boring, it hides content you should have gotten in the box behind DLC Paywallls". You've heard it all before. I've always defended the game because I could see the method to their madness. They took the dev time and budget they could have wasted on pointless cutscenes , and put it into developing some of the most epic Exotic Weapons ever seen in a FPS. What made Destiny stand head and shoulders above its predecessors and peers (including Halo) was the extraordinary , unique, genius-designed Exotic weapons that made you a god among men. That, and the leveling system, the consumables that facilitated leveling, made this game the single success story in -post game content. What I mean by post game content is the compelling initiative this game gives you to continue playing PVE after beating the main story.
Packing Heat. |
There are hundreds of open world games, after completing story mode, you have the option to continue playing PVE after completing the story. However none of them , Grand Theft Auto included, ever really compelled me to do so. The world seemed empty after completing the main game and continuing to play seemed pointless. Not even the Achievement/Trophy system implemented last generation ever compelled me continue playing PVE after the main story. The world just seemed dead.
Destiny was the first open world game to break that trend. Part of that was the endless hunt for Exotic weapons. The Raids, those ultimate challenges were an impetus for you to seek those exotics so you could complete the end-game content easier.
Now lets get down to Gjallarhorn a formidable weapon to be sure, but it DOES NOT GUARANTEE VICTORY IN the RAIDS. It's a damn good Rocket Launcher, THE best, with Hunger of Crota a distant second. Still you have to have skill to use it. It does more damage , so perhaps you'll be able to beat a Raid Boss in 15 minutes instead of 30. Still within that 15 minutes, ANYTHING can happen. You can get killed, somebody can fuck up and drop the relic, Crota can get enraged, Somebody might not get cleansed of the Oracles Mark and get you all killed in the Ritual of Negation.
This is the twat rag son of a bitch who pulled the trigger on Nerfing Gjallarhorn, Bungie Destiny Weapon Designer, Jon Wiesnewski. Leave it to an asshole pollack to fix something that isn't broken. |
Look, lets cut the shit. People are defending the Gjallarhorn nerf because 1) they are low self esteem having twats who kiss Bungie's ass . 2) they are casual gamer PUSSIES and don't have a Gjallarhorn. They are jealous of Gjallarhorn Owners and want to see us nerfed.
There is another subgroup of rational thinkers who are defending it because we don't know the exact percentage Bungie is nerfing the damage of the Wolfpack Rounds.
Some say Wolfpack rounds will be nerfed 10%. That is an optimistic, asshole assumption. Look, Bungie sucks at Boss design. People destroyed Skolas in record time with Gjallarhorn. Rather than step their game up and design better Bosses with more intelligent AI and Movesets, Bungie wants to design the same static, slow moving Bullet sponge asshole bosses. To slow us down from killing these boring pieces of shit, They are nerfing Gjallarhorn. That faggot David Dague "Deej" of Bungie Public Relations was talking shit about the Gjallarhorn nerf . He said he (and Bungie) "want
you to explore other options [other than Gjallarhorn] to kill Raid bosses" . That said , a 10% reduction in Wolfpack rounds would
NOT make Hunger of Crota a valid substitute , Nor would the Truth be a
valid substitute to Gjallarhorn, and
DEFINITELY not the Dragon's Breath Launcher.
You can Nerf my Gjallarhorn after you pry it from my cold, dead hands! |
This fucking PUSSYHOLE "Deej" (isn't "Deej" the name of the eldest daughter in "Full House" ? What a faggot!!! ) went on to say " We have a ten year plan for Destiny, and our ten year plan was not for you to shoot aliens for ten years with your Gjallarhorn" Hey you fat pudgey ASSHOLE, what fucking business it it of yours what fucking weapons we use? Why do you fucking want to fuck up the only good thing you put in this game? The Exotics are this games saving grace. It's one of the few things that counters that old " People still play Destiny?" comment you see after every Destiny news story. That said, there are SEVERAL exotics that are pieces of shit, and need to be buffed. TRUTH, DRAGONS BREATH, MONTE CARLO, No LAND BEYOND, NECROCASM. (Necrocasm needs more than that bullshit perk adjustment, it needs to be redesigned from the ground up with Higher impact and a medium Fire rate, more damage per second).
Deej, Community Manager Fat Fuck Faggot
Going forward, what are these assholes going to do; add useful content like Ship to ship space combat, new planets, player owned and built bases planetside, or are they just going to keep fucking with weapons that are already popular and functioning, thus taking two steps backward?
If it's the latter, count me fucking out. As it is , I'm getting the Taken King Used on Disc,so Bungie gets NONE of my money. Vote with your wallets guys. We don't have to take this shit. These assholes don't get to play God and dictate to us how we are supposed to play the game. Fuck them, we pay their salary!!! If they want to play God, we should play God as well. Push forward the initiative to JAILBREAK PLAYSTATION 4. We will hack the game and undo all the fuck ups these assholes are trying to force on us. It's a Meta-game for me now, how can I break the game and give Bungie the digital middle finger!?!?!? The War to Hack Destiny has Begun!!!
Look a Gjallarhorn cake. Eat up, the party is over, Guardians. |