Monday, August 20, 2018

NYG 13 Trailer Directors Cut!!

  I fixed some bugs that were bothering me. The overall pacing is the same ,as I feel I got that to work out as planned.  I was able to fit in some more cameos of the old crew. It irked me that I couldnt work them in the first time around. I was aiming to get it to a nice tight 2 minutes and that held me up the first go around.  Also fixed a huge error in the collage scene. the video preview feature failed to show me Hayatos goh clip and update me in real time.  Otherwise, glad how it turned out. I had the vision for this trailer stored in my memory for two years now.  A lot of my ideas for videos end up on the cutting room floor for a long time  until I find the time/ opportunity to use them. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


  God damn it!!! Those hacker fucks are trying to break into my page!!! 
Now , mind you, I don't really take my stats and analytics seriously. However,  from time to time I take a loot at the demographics of my audience for amusement.   Looking at today's views, I have 111 views in the last 6 hours alone. That's 1/3 of my average views per month.  Whats more suspicious is 108 of those views came from France.  What, I'm super popular in France now? What am I , Jerry Lewis?   Whats more suspicious is 85 of those french views were made using LINUX operating system.  That's the preferred OS programmers and hackers.
                         There are more suspicious aspects of this activity, but as it is under investigation, I wont tip off the hacker shit stains that I'm on to them.  I'm not paranoid, I have a sixth sense when it comes to these things.  A message to that hacker douche bag:  Over the years I'v e had a long career and acquired a particular set of skills.  I will identify you, I will find you, and when I do I will reverse punch you so hard it'll crack your sternum and you will shit yourself!   GoDokunoDan has spoken!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

NYG 13

August 24 to 26,  I Fix Machine. 128 -32 Suite 114, Brooklyn New York 11322.  Be there and get H.a.w.k.ed

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" height="378" width="620"></iframe><a href="" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width:345px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline;">Watch NYG 13 TRAILER from GodokunoDan999 on</a>

Bonus Fighters Corner Episode: