Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Civil War At Shenmue Dojo: The Battle Over Shenmue III s Soul

 Real gamers are going extinct.   The current generation are lazy spoiled ungrateful cucks that expect a game to basically play itself like a bluray while they drool and watch the fireworks.  God forbid they have to put their beer down and make sure Ryo eats something to fill his stamina bar or actually get a QTE executed correctly.  I saw a typical post from one of these types of gamers on and had to respond.  It comes up the state of the union for gaming in 2020.   

I copied it before the forum Nazis taking it down for being too insensitive to snowflakes.  

[QUOTE="Tsukuyomimagi99, post: 105235, member: 802"]

- Most would consider the Tomb Raider reboot to have a fairly decent story

- Never realized people who play Halo don't have any interest in the lore. All those guidebooks expanding the universe was just a waste of time.

- If that were the case, then why does Virtua Fighter struggle to find an audience? Why is Mortal Kombat IX praised for its story?

- Seriously disagree with you about the Arkham games having bad stories, especially Origins.

- Dungeons and Dragons doesn't need a Shakespearean tale, but it would enhance the experience.

Your reasons for enjoying Shenmue are your own, but I would contend that the reason Shenmue III received six million in Kickstarter funds was not because of its minigames or combat. I agree that gameplay is the most important element of any video game. However, a great narrative and lore enhances the experience for the player.

You really need to stop projecting your opinions as facts and assume everyone sees things the way you do.


Pretty much thumbs down on everything you said.  Virtue Fighter has a HUGE audience in it's native country Japan.  VF 2 was as popular as Pac man was in its heyday.  Virtua Fighter 5 tournaments were still held in Japan with hundreds of players up until the pandemic.   You are really just talking from an insular point of view.   Case in point, the debacle with the Last Of Us Part II.   I played it from beginning to end , hated the story, hated the new characters.  But I have to take my hat off to Naughty Dog , I haven't had this many jump out of ny seat gaming moments since Uncharted 2 on PS3.  The gameplay is THAT DAMN GOOD.  So regardless of the story, I give TLOU part 2 and  8 out of 10.   People on Metacritic are review bombing the user reviews with zeros out of a hundred.   It is a damn shame and it indicates a dark future for gaming.

        I give Shenmue 3 a 8.5 out of 10.   Loved the story, loved the gameplay but there were some issues they need to iron out with it.  There is a cognitive disconnect between the current generation of gamers and the 1990-early 2000 generation of gamers.   The current generation of gamers seem to equated the word " video game"  with "CGI movie"  .  These type of gamers rate gameplay as 10% important to a game and story and cinematic 90% important.

    The legacy of developers like Hideo Kojima who put games on the map as cinematic digital entertainment has been perverted in this current zeigeist.  It's like a dystopian future now seeing how Cyberbullied Neil Druckman is after busting his hump making a phenomenal game.  He is a genius just like Yu Suzuki , and Hideo Kojima .  The current generation just want to set the game on "easy difficulty" cruise  through a game on autopilot and watch cinematic passively.  If that's what you want from Shenmue III then no wonder so much of you are upset with the game. 

***************************************FORUM NAZI ALERT!!!!!!******************************

Did I call it or what? The Forum Nazis did not *only*take down this post, but the did DELETE my THREAD POST on a GLITCH I found in SHENMUE III combat, just because it contains a meme satorizing these asshole casual gamers that have beef with Shenmue's cinematic cutscene portion of the game. look memes are fair game. In every other forum, Gamespot and Ign concluded, you can post a meme that insults people and it doesnt count as a argumentaive post.  Memes are the universal internet sugar coating of a flame, and they are not privy to the scrutiny of security THEY ARE THE DIPLOMATIC BAGS OF INTERNET AIRPORT SECURITY and they are NOT to be VIOLATED, DISCRIMINATED, or IMPEDED!!! My CIVIL RIGHTS are being violated by these forum Nazis!!! If we don't have freedom of speech, we are no better than the Communists.  This isn't Russia!!!  If we disregard establish internet diplomatic guidelines like letting memes be fair game, we are no better than animals.  This gestapo is making me a martyr. 

This is BULLSHIT!!!!  That new mod, SPUD is a damn FACIST.  He is one of the new owners of the site, since the original owner stepped down.  he persistently admonished me to "change my tone" when arguing with these ingrate non-gamer parasites that have been bitching about Shenmue III. Look , I know how to word an argumentative post without violating  the terms of service, or flaming anyone directly.  I've been doing it for years at Gamespot, Ign, for over a decade.  A mod doesnt have the authority to ":change someones tone"  . He only can tag you if you flame someone directly.  They are overstepping their authority to demand "changing of tone" and they sure as hell can't violate the sanctity of memes , and are violating my Civil Rights as a poster!  I remember Lan DC on Shenmue dojo used to curse out people directly on Shenmue dojo, and they , made him a mod!!!  that site has gone to the dogs.  The memes below were a "rider bill" I included on my video about the glitch on Shenmue III. I knew Spud would beef about me posting the memes on Shenmue Dojo directly, even though he doesn't have the power , authority or ethical position to do so.  The social status of memes as art are not to be besmirched.  They were only l connected to Shenmue dojo as a link.  They should stay.


In this Corner we have C-Money , fellow Mask wearer and Ninja.  Real recognizes real.

In THIS corner we have run away tactic cunt barely literate Ruskie , and player only known for cable pulling his way to Dragonlord CAKE-Boss.  (Dubbed Cake Boss by SDS Overfiend, copyright )

Anyway some rando dickhead named beanboy started a Lau counter strategy thread and these two Titans of the second Lamest character in VF (after Eileen) clashed.   The mods deleted it all. WELL FUCK CENSORSHIP!!!
  Power to the people!! We here at VFWARLORD will not Kow Tow to Tyranny!!  Freedom of speech must be protected, or we or no better than the commies.

the resident bipolar Caucazoid had to chime in.

Also here's the post Shang put up about bitch ass Konjou getting his ass kicked by bottom tier character Eileen.  and you wonder why the NAVF  gets their ass kicked by the Japanese AND their wives!!!  These homos are too fucking soft.  You have to grow some thicker skin, you pussies.  As soon as that sodomite Konjou Akira gets offended the he calls in the mods for damage control.   I remember he cried like a bitch to get the Wonder Twins video Flash posted taken down.  What a fucking batty-boy.
"Ohmaha Jeffrey" You must be from Ohmaha, fucking Oreo.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Yu Suzuki Has Caved to Casuals (And His Investors) Shenmue IV Will Be More Casual Friendly And Not a True "F.R.E.E."

Yu Suzuki says a lot of things, so there's no need to panic.  If he nerfs and makes one thing easy and user friendly, he ramps up the challenge on other things.   Hopefully if Suzuki increases the  ease of access on the UI level of the game with stupid quality of life changes for these whiny casual nerds, he will in turn ramp up the challenge on the fighting gameplay.  In Shenmue III, Suzuki made combat fisher price easy so these casual fairies would have it easy, but they didn't appreciate it at all.  These non-gamer casual pieces of shit set every game on easy mode so they can just blast through the game and watch the cutscenes. To them "game" is synonymous with "Digital Movie" they are in it for the story and nothing else.  They will set the controller on turbo fire and tape down the button just sob they have a hand free to pick their noses and watch the cutscenes.  That's all a game is to these millenial cucks: a movie. 

           Case in point: look at the Last Of Us Part II.  These assholes ganged up on Metacritic and gave that game a million Zero rated User Reviews because they didn't like the "story"  .  Look I hated the story in TLOU PT 2 also, but from a gameplay standpoint , it is game of the year, hands down.  It rivals Metal Gear solid in its prime. I played the game from beginning to end.  The gameplay is PHENOMINAL. The stealth is awesome, the weapons are customizable, the crafting system adds strategy to the encounters.  As much as I hate that unfuckable Gina Carano clone Abby, her combat sections were off the chain.  Right off the Bat, she gets a better rifle than Ellie, and you can upgrade it to three round burst.  The stealth sections with both characters are great, you can go prone and hide under objects.  The combat is nuanced, and there is a kind of rage mode Abby can spec out.  Both characters get the option to grab and enemy if they land a heavy hit.  So the combat is not just mindless strings.  All those gameplay nuances, the next generation graphics and you give the game a 0 because "you don't like the story"?!?!? It's not a movie you fucking assholes, its a game first and foremost.  Millenials are spoiled moronic shitheads.  To me story is only worth 20% of the game.  So by that metric TLOU PT2 is an 80 out of 100.  Yes the story sucked, NO Joel shouldn't have died, especially not like a punk as he did.  Yes Dina's unshaved armpit hair made me want to puke.  Yes Abby's complete story arc was worthless and a pathetic attempt to make us sympathize with her. However, Naughty Dog feels obligated to give us a 20+ hour game every time.  They didn't have enough story to just have Ellie travel cross country and shoot Abby in the face. So they wrote a separate story for  Abby to pad the game to 25 hours.  Am I ok with that? Yes and No.  I hated Abby's Resting Bitch Face and her story sucked as well as all her supporting characters. However I LOVED playing as the Ugly Alice-the-Goon bitch and breaking necks Shooting People with the burst-rifle and tossing homemade bombs at them.  At the end of the day, Video games are games first, movies second.  

Saturday, April 4, 2020


The Punk-bitch casual gamers have had their day.  Now its the Hardcore Shenmue Fans' turn.  

Friday, March 20, 2020

Virtua Fighter 6 Is NOT Going To Be Announced March 25. Don't Believe Fake News

      Eventhubs recently took a Sega website announcement and tried to pass it off as a clickbait  teaser for Virtua Fighter 6.  The ad quotes  " 6 days until birth " .

      What they don't tell you is the number 6 in the ad is the only thing remotely related to Virtua Fighter 6.

Its just a coincidence.    Other, more reputable sites with a modicrum of journalistic integrity did a FULL translation of the page. 
   The ad actually says , "Hey kids, do you live Sega?  Come join us for the launch of our new site!"

Some sensationalist fake news generators are jumping to conclusions that this ad is somehow fighting game related, or VF related.  Mostly because the ad shows a shadowy image of a ln anemic looking Martial Artist in the most feeble karate stance I have ever seen.  
Sorry kids.  If you get a full translation of the ad , it says " our legendary Sega 60th anniversary Ambassador is on the way". Right next to the image.  They are obviously talking about Segata Sanshiro.  The last time Sanshiro helped promote a Sega event was Sega-Fes or Sega Festival, a few years ago.  Prior to that, websites were also hyping up Sega-Fes to be the time of Virtua Fighter 6' s announcement.  Fool me once.......

If you just think logically, you wouldn't get your hopes up with these hoaxes.  Virtua Fighter 6 is going to be an AM2 arcade game, it will debut in the Jamma trade shows in the fall, not some spring launch of a bullshit website .  You can all just log on the the current Virtua Fighter which is actually still viable, so I can Krush Groove your gullible asses into next week.

See you next year for the latest false flag VF6 teaser!!!