Anyway, in the September 7th episode of IGN's Fireteam Chat, Sean Finnegan as usual had a few negative things to say about Destiny 2 FORSAKEN. . Somebody commented that Sean is never satisfied. I commented that Sean is a Destiny 2 Fraud, he never even did Prestige Leviathan Raid, the best gameplay experience in Destiny 2. Sean Finnegan himself commented that what reason is there to do the raid, since the mechanics don't change that significantly from normal mode, ( a completely ignorant and inaccurate assessment . ) The pact that the puncher of the Symbol Psion is teleported into the void and one random Void spotter is teleported out of the void fundamentally changes the dynamics of the encounter. It requires all members to be able to do BOTH parts of the raid, the Throne room and the Void. It also requires the puncher to maneuver down the tiled void lane past obstacles during the second third and fourth symbol phase. It requires the Void room Guardians to maintain their call out order and shoot their designated Psion, First second or the regardless of their physical position in the Void room, left middle or right. The Void Puncher is always supposed to go to the middle, but his teleport position and the obstacles down the isle may make getting in that spot impossible . On the fourth callout phase , the Left and Right Void guardian have to remember to shoot the Psion directly across from him instead of cross shooting, and they have to fire a Sins of the part at the middle to cover the middle Psion, as the middle guardian will be sliding down the tile floor from a great distance and won't be in position in time to get that first middle Psion.
Anyway Sean the Shark Finnegan is completely ignorant of these facts amd ignorantly tried to defend him self by deflecting toward his so-called Crucible skills. Pathetic. Claiming to be skilled in PvP is just a deflection., The Lion share of the gameplay design and development time is put into the raids. The Pvp team is much smaller and Pvp is an afterthought which sadly is poorly developed. Any game with this much aggressive aim-assist is NOT a serious PVP game. The incredibly high life bar of PVP guardians also negates PVP, as does the lack of headshot one shot kill mechanics. PVP is a joke in Destiny and always has been. The Exotic weapons alone make balancing PVP impossible, and they get nerfed to greatly to cater to that relatively unimportant role.Any idiot can do PVP, it takes real skill to do the raid. This is primarily a Co-op focused game PVE game, and the RAID is The crown centerpiece. Check Sean Finnegan's His Xbox One gamer tag is ShotbyFinnegan. ZERO PRESTIGE LEVIATHAN CLEARS. Pathetic . The Game has been out a year. You can't declare yourself a pundit on a game which you haven't beaten the ultimate mission of it's main content. I have beaten Prestige Leviathan 8 times and can't wait to do it again.
Anyway, two weeks later, Sean Finnegan is still butthurt I exposed him as a fraud! he has taken to my Youtube channels comment section to troll me! He is a menace and he's got to be stopped!!
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